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As part of Bank of Ireland (UK) plc, NIIB Group Ltd is committed to making this website accessible to all, regardless of technology or ability.  The following statement outlines our continued focus and progress providing a high standard of accessibility throughout this web site.

Compliance to the Web Accessibility Initiative Guidelines

All HTML documents on the Northridge Finance site adhere to and initiative called Web Accessibility Initiative WCAG 2.2 Level-AA (Double A), an internationally recognised benchmark for accessibility. For an introduction to WCAG, see the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) Overview.

Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.2 guides you on how to make web content more accessible to people with disabilities. Accessibility involves a wide range of disabilities, including visual, auditory, physical, speech, cognitive, language, learning, and neurological disabilities. Although these guidelines cover a wide range of issues. Complying with these guidelines helps make the website more user friendly for all people.

PDF Documents

The website uses W3C (World Wide Web Consortium) technologies wherever possible. However there remain a number of documents that use the Portable Document Format (PDF).  Certain documents on this site are available only in this format, which require you to download and install the free Adobe Acrobat Reader software.  If you cannot access the information in any PDF please email *

Future Goals

NIIB Group Ltd. will continue to monitor developments and changes in accessibility guidelines to improve the accessibility features of our website.

Some documents, such as certain publications and long documents will continue to be published in PDF format because of their size or the nature of the information within the documents.  Accessibility and usability features in PDFs include correctly marked up structure, the addition of bookmarks and internal links for ease of navigation, tagging and alternative text for all images.  In future, all PDFs published on the site will be made accessible, in line with guidelines set down by Adobe.

We are committed to maintaining and monitoring the accessibility of this website.  As part of this process we welcome any comment or suggestions.  If you have any issues or cannot fully access information on a particular page, please email *

*Email warning: any email(s) you choose to send us will not be secure, unless you appropriately encrypt (protect) the information contained in your email.